March 26, 2022



Three survivors swimming for shore after their fishing boat sank off Dolphin Heads late yesterday were winched to safety by RACQ CQ Rescue.

The Mackay-based rescue helicopter was tasked about 5pm yesterday to an EPIRB activation about 18km north of Mackay. About 10 minutes after departing base at the Mackay Airport, the rescue helicopter crew, including a Critical Care Paramedic and rescue crewman, spotted three men in the water.

The men, a 26-year-old from Rural View, a 34-year-old from Beaconsfield and a 29-year-old from Slade Point, had spent the day fishing in a 16-foot centre console boat at island nearby and were returning home when the boat started taking on water. The bilge pump on board failed and they spent time bailing water from the vessel before quickly roping together some jerry cans as a floatation device. They then activated their EPIRB and RACQ CQ Rescue was alerted to the beacon by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

The helicopter crew were able to quickly hone in on their signal and spotted the men in the water about 5km offshore at sunset.

An RACQ CQ Rescue crewman said the men had the good sense to have an EPRIB on board the vessel and activated it as soon as they ran into the trouble. The boat sank very quickly.

Many locals at Dolphin Heads reported seeing the rescue helicopter orbiting the area offshore and hovering overhead as the rescue crewman was winched down into the water three times to secure each survivor into a vest to be winched up into the helicopter. Some assumed it was a training exercise, not a life and death situation.

An RACQ CQ Rescue rescue crewman said the exhausted  fishermen were incredibly relieved to see help arrive from overhead after spending about an hour in the water trying to swim to shore. They had already swum about two or three kilometres from the sinking vessel and were using the empty jerry cans to keep afloat.

All three men were physically unharmed and were checked by the paramedic on board before being returned to base at Mackay Airport.

The men were incredible relieved and happy to be back on dry land last night and to be reunited with their grateful families.


Three Mackay fishermen were winched out of the water near Dolphin Heads by RACQ CQ Rescue late yesterday after activating an EPIRB when their boat began to sink.

Please credit any released photos and video footage to RACQ CQ Rescue.
Please note:
Full title of rescue service is RACQ CQ Rescue.

For further information please contact:
Naomi Noy
RACQ CQ Rescue
Ph: 0417 578 182